泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名(Times Higher Education World University Rankings),又译为THE世界大学排名,是由英国《泰晤士高等教育》(Times Higher Education,简称THE)发布的世界大学排名。该排名每年更新一次,以教学、研究、论文引用、国际化、产业收入等5个范畴共计13个指标,为全世界最好的1000余所大学(涉及100多个国家和地区)排列名次。为保证排名的公正和透明,由普华永道(PwC)进行独立审计。
University of Canberra
Swinburne University of Technology
Monash University
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
The University of Newcastle
The University of Adelaide
The University of Western Australia
Queensland University of Technology
The University of Melbourne
The University of Queensland
The University of Sydney
The University of New South Wales